Jude Prentice

OH&S Officer and Administration Assistant

Jude headshot

Jude Prentice

'You have a brain in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. If you never did, you should, these things are fun, and fun is good.' – Dr Seuss

Fun Facts

Jude's favourite foods are vegetarian dumplings. She's not a vegetarian but she thinks they are the best! Once, when Jude was bored, she made a doll's house out of aluminium foil. When Jude was three, her aunty made her a life-sized clown soft toy and she used to love dressing it up in clown's clothes. Don't tell anybody, but she still has this clown and he lives under the bed. Some people think that’s creepy but she just can’t bring herself to throw out her favourite toy.

Happy Places

On a nice day, you will find Jude at the beach on her paddle board. She lives 30 meters from the water and jumps at any chance to lie on the board, watch the sunset, paddle up or down the shoreline and just relax, enjoying life. Jude enjoys going on random adventures with a full tank of petrol, a $5 budget for food, and just in case, a sleeping bag.


Jude loves her family, her 'crazy' friends, social justice, God, and oh-so-many things that are way too many to list.

If Jude could be a tree or plant, what would she be and why?

A Monilaria Obconica, better known as a Bunny Ears Succulent because they are cute! Yup, their name explains just how they look. They have tiny glittering pearls on each leaf and Jude likes to think that she is glittering and special. They are also prized by collectors so that makes them pretty special.

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