Daniel Bunston

Climbing Arborist

Daniel Bunston Head Shot

Daniel Bunston

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.' – Marianne Williamson

Fun Facts 

Daniel has travelled to every continent except Europe and North America. He considers himself as a bit of a clean freak and an adrenaline junkie. Cliff jumping was exhilarating, skydiving was invigorating, and now bungee jumping is on the cards for the future. 


The great outdoors is Daniel's playground. He loves getting into nature, going for walks, camping and four-wheel driving. Sport is another love of his and he enjoys playing footy for the local team of Belgrave. 


Playing the drums at his local church is one of Daniel's passions. He has a heart for Evangelism and helping people come to know Christ in a personal way. 

If Daniel could be a tree or plant, what would he be and why?

A Eucalyptus Mountain Ash because they are a wondrously large creation and have a big presence. At maturity, they can reach up to 110 metres. One of Daniel's dreams is to climb one over 100 metres in height.

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